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Note: In case descriptions, personally identifiable information is changed and written with a client’s consent. Furthermore, maintaining the characteristics and essence of memory reprocessing therapy, multiple clients’ experiences are combined in the narrative.
A former client of mine, a mother troubled by her teenage child’s violence, came to see me. Let’s call her Ms. S. She is in her early-40s, works in a legal profession, and co-parents her two teenagers with her ex-spouse. At work, Ms. S is a dynamic team leader, relied upon by her subordinates. However, when her daughter shouted obscenities or threatened to break curfew, her heart would race, and she would feel paralyzed by fear, unable to take action. This resulted in a situation where her daughter seemingly had free rein. Ms. S found herself overwhelmed by tears and unable to respond or even advise her daughter for over a year.
Ms. S had multiple past traumas. After six months of 1.5 to 2-hour sessions, she opted for intensive therapy. We began with EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), Progressive Counting, and Flash techniques, starting from her earliest traumatic memories. The first target during the week-long intensive session turned out not to be the adolescent experiences Ms. S initially thought of, but mostly her childhood events: harsh words from her parents, experiences of exclusion and bullying during elementary school. After three days of addressing childhood traumas involving her parents, Ms. S reported her progress. “Even when my daughter yells at me now, I somehow remain calm.”
During memory reprocessing, emotions and thoughts towards perpetrators often surface. In the session addressing an incident of sexual harassment in middle school, Ms. S realized that while the fear toward the groper was significant, what haunted her more was her parents’ lack of response to the incident. Understanding that the adults closest to her neither took action nor knew how to, gave her insights into the despair and helplessness at the core of her CPTSD (Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). Reflecting on how she had promptly supported her daughter during a school incident by listening to her and contacting the teacher, Ms. S recognized her own strength and capability as a parent. Additionally, considering her parents’ backgrounds, professions, the historical context, and political influences, Ms. S realized their limitations in finding support. Acknowledging this, she felt a sense of relief.
Even before reprocessing half of the events she wanted to address in trauma therapy, Ms. S reported feeling a “sufficient sense of calm.”
Ms. S (and I) initially believed that the fear and helplessness she felt around her daughter were rooted in her past romantic relationships. However, the intensive therapy revealed that the influence began from much earlier events. When the trauma memory of her childhood became neutralized, her view and interpretation of the events that occured afterward changed for a more comprehensive one.
Certain situations or people can cause emotional discomfort or even pain. During consultations for panic attack or anxiety disorders, it’s sometimes revealed that this emotional instability surfaces under specific relationships or themes. Some clients find relief with this realization, while others take a step further into memory reprocessing therapy.
Everyone has experienced feelings of helplessness once or twice. Usually, we realize that “it’s not true”, revealing our perfectionism, or that worries coming from past memories don’t have to be so powerful. But when this helplessness feels genuine and overwhelming, it may be a sign that trauma memories which have been trapped in the unconscious, are reacting to similar situations in the present, screaming “Let me out!” or “Process me, already!”.
メモリー再処理の過程で、加害者にあたる人たちへの感情や考えが湧き上がることもあります。中学校時代の痴漢被害についてのセッションで、痴漢に対する恐怖心はもちろんですが、何よりも、その被害についてご両親が『何もしようとしなかった。』事がエスさんを長年苦しめてきてのだとわかりました。1番近くにいる大人が行動を起こさなかった、または起こす術を知らなかった事が、エスさんのCPTSD(Complex post-traumatic stress disorder)の根底にある絶望感や無力感に現実味を帯わせているのだと気づいた後、エスさんは、娘さんがかつて学校でトラブルに巻き込まれそうになった時、いち早く娘さんに気持ちを聞いて歩み寄ったり、担任に連絡を取ることができた自分を思い出し、自分の強さ、親としての適性に気づくことができました。また、両親の生い立ち、職業、その頃の時代背景や政治的影響を振り返った時、公や周りにサポートを見出すことの少なかった両親、またその理由に気づき、同じ親として、総合的にみて、彼らはできることとできないことがあったのだと受け入れ、楽になっている自分に気付きました。